Sign and fax a document online

Send a fax immediatelySend a fax immediately

No account setup and verification required. Pay-as-you-go service. WiseFax is a user-friendly online fax service. You can send a fax quickly and easily in four simple steps. Read more.

  1. Upload your document
  2. Select the recipient's country and enter the recipient's fax number
  3. Sign up and purchase fax tokens if required
  4. Click on the "Send" button to confirm your fax
Subscribe and get your own fax numberSubscribe and get your own fax number

Simple account setup. Affordable plans. You can start receiving faxes to your own fax number in no time. We offer fax number subscriptions for only $8.00 per month and for only $4.25 per week. Read more.

  1. Create your account
  2. Get your new fax number or port the existing one
  3. Select your preferred subscription plan and complete the order

WiseFax is an ideal online service, if you need to sign and fax a document. WiseFax enables you to sign and fax your documents quickly and easily. You can sign and fax a document online from your PC, Mac, mobile phone or tablet in just a few simple steps. Furthermore, you don’t have to install any applications.

How do I sign and fax a document with WiseFax?

  1. Upload your document to WiseFax.
  2. Click the magnifying glass button below the page that you wish to sign.
    Select pages to be sent
  3. Click the Signature tool.
    Sign and fax a document with WiseFax
  4. Add a new signature by clicking the Add Signature button, or choose one of your previously saved signatures.
    Add signature
  5. If you chose to add a new signature in the previous step, then either type your name, draw your signature, or import an image or scan of your signature. To save your signature for future use, check the Save signature checkbox.
    Sign and fax a document with WiseFax
  6. Click the Apply button to insert your new signature into the document.

Save your signature in WiseFax for quicker and easier signing

When inserting a new signature to WiseFax, you can choose to save it by checking the Save signature checkbox. That makes every next signing an even quicker task.

Saved signatures can be used as many times throughout your pages and documents as you wish. Simply select a saved signature when using the Signature tool, and your previously saved signature will be automatically inserted into the document.

It is easy to sign and fax documents with WiseFax

To sign and fax a document, you can use any device that is connected to the internet. Just upload your document to WiseFax, then sign it, enter the recipient’s fax number and confirm sending. WiseFax will do all the rest for you. WiseFax recognizes all most common document types like Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, PDF, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, ScanWritr, and many others. It also supports JPEG, GIF, PNG, HEIC, TIFF and BMP image formats. WiseFax will automatically optimize your document and fax it. So, you don’t have to convert documents manually.

WiseFax allows you to improve document quality and retouch it. Beside this, you can also fill-in the forms by inserting texts, ticks, marks, signatures, or even erase unwanted parts of the documents. You can therefore quickly and easily edit your document and fax it to any fax number in the world.

Edit, sign and fax with WiseFax

You don’t need a subscription, nor install any apps, to sign and fax a document with WiseFax

WiseFax is a pay as you go online service. You can quickly and easily sign and fax a document — without any subscriptions. There are no monthly costs and no hidden fees. WiseFax calculates price and presents it to you before sending. So, you will always know the total cost before you approve it. Cost depends on the number of pages that you wish to fax and the recipient’s location. After successful delivery you will get an email confirmation with copy of the sent fax.

WiseFax is an online service. So, there is no need to install any applications to your computer, smartphone or tablet. Just sign and fax your document from any device to any fax machine in the world. Try it now.

More resources

How to fax PDF document?
Fax from a Mac
Send fax from Linux
Fax document from PC

Now you know how to sign and fax a document in the easiest possible way.